Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kansas politics

Kansas is the epitome of terrible,but in that attempt has neglected requirements for running for governor.Six teens may be on the ballot.They might not be able to vote but one may be elected.Kansas surely would be improved.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Las Vegas:shootings:guns.What can we do to prevent shootings?The answer seems to be connected with limiting guns.But that is taboo.Gun control is taboo!Guns have nothing to do with gun shootings.Whatever the NRA says,goes

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Trump distractions

Every time Trump is confronted with a crisis,he creates a distraction.The latest is the NFL national anthem player debate.To stand or not to stand,that is the question...and more.It's quite the controversy.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

States Rights

Texas is a classic example of why states rights should be secondary to federal government. Texas is extremely libertarian and avoids industrial regulations regularly.Consequently,the Harvey flood cost is going too be astronomically higher because of ignoring maintenance and improvements that should have been done.

Texas politicians push states rights as do most conservatives and republicans.The purpose is to avoid responsibility by exempting the state from regulations that should be required.'Leave it up to the state because we know that they won't do it.'Any ensuing catastrophe can be turned over to the feds.

The extra costs from collapsing levees,reservoir drainage,chemical plant explosions,ad infinitem, will be extensive and most can be attributed to Texas(states rights).

Texas attracts much business because of  unregulation and brags about their business climate which is highly subsidized by the federal government.Why can't the people stop this corporate plunder?Why can't we have government of the people?
Why can't we let simple things be simple?
Let's have a real central government by the people.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Will Trump attack Venezuela (minor action)rather than No.Korea because he can do that with little consequence and use that as a warning to gain some time?Trump has to realize soon that he can't out-threaten No.Korea.It turns into provocation.We don't want or need a meaningless war.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Trump Status

Is much of theTrump-Russia investigation done?Has Trump been caught up with;is he done?It appears to me that he is done.It seems that what's left is to straighten things out,organize and arrange,prepare the next steps.It's still a mess but are we arranging a conclusion?What happens now?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pardon Me

Trump must be fictional!