Friday, February 10, 2017


We're cared for when we're born
We're cared for when we die
If something happens in between
I really don't know why

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Faux Promises

I don't believe that Trump has any real concern about keeping promises(in this case campaign)either.He's signed a few executive orders that give the appearance of satisfying a promise,but I think that they are  unserious versions.

One is the wall.He doesn't really care about the wall,but it worked for the campaign.He's making an insincere attempt to make it look like he's keeping a promise.But he doesn't care;he can stop anytime and say that he kept his promise:a faux promise.

The same is true with the "travel"ban.It is the easiest way to keep his Muslim ban promise.It's of minimal consequence and can be stopped anytime;again a faux promise.His staff does have some ingenuity.