Saturday, June 20, 2009


Governmental and corporate money evaluation must be challenged and changed.It has reached
the point where even a billion dollars isn't considered to be much money;a million is almost
negligible.$100,000 is a decent income for three workers,$1,000,000 for thirty,$1,000,000,000
for 30,000:all of the workers in a small city.Even $1,000 is a substantial amount to the average
citizen,even$100,even$10.There are people that eat for days on $10.So this type of thinking has
to stop.Trillion dollar deficits and bailouts make a billion look small.No!No!No!
Corporations brag about the savings when they cut 50 workers(we saved millions).Millions mean something when cutting the workforce.Then they increase executive bonuses only a few more million than they"saved"!
Somehow,someway this thinking must change!

Adam Boure

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