Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Is it happening?Maybe it's happening:France,Greece,austerity rejection.Austerity is a euphemism for stealing from the poor and middle class and giving  to the rich,all the wealth to the wealthy.The peons pay for everything.But perhaps it's changing.Perhaps the revolt is beginning.Perhaps we can learn from Europe.In France and Greece,most of the money is concentrated in the hands of the few,too much to allow a life for everyone.It's happening here,has been for a long time,and getting progressively worse.Everyone can learn from Greece.

The rich are going to have to quit taking and give up some of their money,or it will have to be taken from them.It would be nice if we could do it through the political process.It can be done They have shown us how.That's how democracy is supposed to work.But we must do it.

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