Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Entitlements must be handled within the respective funds.They are separate entities and should be treated as such.Fund surpluses should be invested in retrievable assets that can be used be used by the fund.Social Security and Medicare have their own budgets so why should they be part of the general budget?Treat them as separate entities.

Social Security problems can be easily be solved.Simply apply FICA taxes to all incomes and all types of incomes.Many things could be revised in current pension plans,especially public plans,that could that could affect social security,but that should be discussed in a separate segment.

Medicare funding can be improved immediately by letting Medicare D negotiate with drug companies.Lowering the age of eligibility,strangely enough,would also be benificial.Eventually we will have a universal plan anyway.It's inevitable.I hope that we don't have to wait for a world plan.

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