Sunday, April 17, 2016

2016 election

Reagan tried to undo everything that FDR accomplished and he had much success.Where were we.Why did we allow it.We just watched while he slowly,we thought,decimated our economy. We weren't aware of what was happening. We were distracted by false premises,and they were all false, but we got caught up in it.Trickle down?We all knew that couldn't work. Trickle down would be at most a trickle, but Reagan had enough supporters that even intelligent people were stymied, looking for something they couldn't see until it was too late. Laws were passed, things were done that would take time to reverse. That time still hasn't arrived.

So we still need an FDR.Can Bernie do it?His policies are what everyone wants.But can he implement them?The people,we the people,always come last-unless there is a groundswell.Bernie wants what we all want,which is rare,so let's grab on and hope.Can logic prevail?

Let's face it.The rich control theUS and have except for FDR's time.The rich are so persistent that without effective counter persistence, we have little chance.If Bernie is strong enough to counter the Reagan response we do have a better chance,but it will take the groundswell revolution that Sanders espouses.We the people must implement it.

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