Monday, January 30, 2017

Post Inaugeration

After inauguration, Trump revealed his primary concern,himself.His immediate concern was the press assessment of crowd size at the inauguration.He lied, exaggerated and was caught;then he doubled down and was humiliated by the press as his lies continued.He also lied about and humiliated the CIA.He revealed that his first concern was himself  and how he was presented.He ended up looking foolish.

He has since continued to lie and distort with almost every executive order he has presented and signed.He has declared war on the media and the media has won most of the ensuing battles.His response has been to direct all to watch Fox News,who has mostly tried to protect him.He issued a couple of immigration orders which have triggered much response,including exploring lies,prompting protests,irritating Mexico and causing its president to cancel a meeting.His Muslim order has prompted worldwide response,US judicial response, congressional dissent,and myriad protests.He has issued a government hiring freeze and opened up more pipeline construction.He has issued more objection to trade agreements,increased lobbying regulations,and started a war on public education.In regard to the ACA, he has pushed forward a resolution for repeal and opened up more examination of the law.This has prompted much response in numerous areas.He has admitted that replacement is in limbo.

It appears that Trump is trying to make at least a token attempt at keeping some of his  promises,although I think that he doesn't really care.It appears that his governing plan is similar to his campaign plan or should I say non-plan,a non- plan that could result in failure and possible impeachment.

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