Wednesday, March 8, 2017

American Healthcare Act

Healthcare revisions have gone as I suspected.I was pretty sure that Trump would turn it over to Ryan.I also presumed that Ryan would be primarily concerned about removing taxes on the rich rather than providing benefits for the poor and needy.

Ryan cares only about the money and the money can be taken care of with reconciliation.The reconciliation plan is being used because it needs only a majority vote,a concern for the Senate.Changes that take 60 votes are subject to filibuster and will be difficult to pass.But Ryan is concerned only about transferring the costs from the rich to the 99 percent.He doesn't care about Medicaid except for votes.In other words,he cares only about reconciliation.The rest of replacement is later or not at all.Trump only cares if he can't distract,his primary concern.Ryan cares only about the 1 percent and special interests that will be affected (postponing the Cadillac tax).I suspect that this bill is not concerned about replacement.

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