Tuesday, May 23, 2017

More Trump

Cable news is almost all Trump.The problem is that there is other news.Trump's overseas trip did limit the Trump obsession,but a fortuitous UK bombing allowed the shows to completely fill the time.

A bombing that should have been perhaps an hour of coverage was stretched over two days. Cable news is so used to constant Trump coverage,that it had a hard time adapting to even a concert bombing.

Now, suddenly, there is more pressing Trump news.Now it's Kushner and his dealings with Russia.He supposedly wanted to create a back communication channel with Russia using Russian equipment.He also didn't disclose this communication on his appointment papers which is a felony.

Trump's demise gets closer and closer.I'm inclined to think that if the parties were reversed,well...I think the GOP would be much less tolerant.But, eventually...?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Trump Longevity

How long will the Democrats and the other branches of government allow Trump Inc.to lie,cheat,break laws,and violate the Constitution and societal norms before they intercede and stop him.

He breaks laws and violates the Constitution He's definitely guilty of obstruction of justice;he violates the constitution daily with income from his businesses;he had numerous law violations from his foundation and other areas;he has lied about everything,distorted everything; his conflicts of interest violate many statutes,norms, procedures.His term is fraught with illegalities.

Trump should have been arrested,indicted,and convicted many times over. If this had been a Democrat,he wouldn't be in office,probably wouldn't have been elected.Demmocrats need to step up.This can't go on forever.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Comey Firing

Comey was obviously fired to interfere with the Trump campaign- Russian investigation. They must have been very close to an important discovery.That's​  probably why Comey reportedly asked for more resources.

The firing should be challenged.The executive branch is interfering with an FBI investigation.Trump acts impulsively;Democrats don't act.Democrats or judicial branch must respond.

The Comey firing began with lies.The entire incident is fraught with lies.All of the background information is a compilation of lies.And the media continues to overlook and try to justify all of them.They said that they would call out Trump and his lies,but they won't.They continue to help him become an autocrat and the Democrats are allowing it to happen.

It appears to me that Trump decided Comey had to go for many reasons,but primarily because he didn't want Comey to continue heading the campaign- Russia investigation;so he fired him.Then the problems that ensued had to be walked back with lie after lie,not unusual in this administration.Trump is obviously trying to obstruct the investigation.He can't be allowed to get away away with another dictatorial act.

Monday, May 8, 2017


To me,Sally Yates implied that the unmasking of Flynn was revealed when the incidental surveillance was revealed.It was also obvious that Trump team didn't want him unmasked.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

More Healthcare

Passing House healthcare bill was a symbolic exercise.GOP made the mistake of giving up after the first attempt to vote on a bill.They realized that was a mistake.The bill had to stay alive,consequently,it had to be revived,if even in name only.

They now had to pass a House bill,even if it would be only a token.That's probably how they acquired the votes,revealing that intent.

There is no plan to have a Senate vote.They can't have a Senate vote until after the 2018 election.The GOP can't gamble on losing congressional seats.That explains the celebration after the House vote.That was the goal.

A healthcare bill will be seriously considered in 2019.Things will be considerably different by that time.