Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Comey Firing

Comey was obviously fired to interfere with the Trump campaign- Russian investigation. They must have been very close to an important discovery.That's​  probably why Comey reportedly asked for more resources.

The firing should be challenged.The executive branch is interfering with an FBI investigation.Trump acts impulsively;Democrats don't act.Democrats or judicial branch must respond.

The Comey firing began with lies.The entire incident is fraught with lies.All of the background information is a compilation of lies.And the media continues to overlook and try to justify all of them.They said that they would call out Trump and his lies,but they won't.They continue to help him become an autocrat and the Democrats are allowing it to happen.

It appears to me that Trump decided Comey had to go for many reasons,but primarily because he didn't want Comey to continue heading the campaign- Russia investigation;so he fired him.Then the problems that ensued had to be walked back with lie after lie,not unusual in this administration.Trump is obviously trying to obstruct the investigation.He can't be allowed to get away away with another dictatorial act.

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