Monday, June 19, 2017


News and the treatment of news seems to be a major problem.We don't even know what is real news anymore.We're in a pattern of breaking news.Everything is breaking news.Every incident is breaking news.

Supposed terrorists don't even have to be terrorizing to be treated as terrorists​.An individual can run a car into a pedestrian and  be investigated as a terrorist.Incidents with no organization are treated as organized terrorism.Everyone is a radicalized terrorist.It's crazy.We have no treatment plan,no policy.We have to stop this disorganized, haphazard news response to every questionable instance of violence.Any disoriented crazy can control the news.

We must start ignoring or at least tempering our response to these isolated incidents.Too many people are involved.Everone is given credibility.We have no standards of credibility.We used to use logic.Before Trump,we had common sense, practicality, sensibility,rationality, pragmatism.We need to revise our thinking, examine our policies,change direction.

We must stop investigating every incident as terrorism.Sometimes deaths aren't tied to terrorism; they are just coincidental deaths.News outlets have to quit presuming that every death is by design.It's just not true.Terrorists are taking advantage.The news people have to disallow that advantage.Ignore them.Don't magnify,exaggarate incidents.Just report the news.

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