Monday, July 17, 2017


When she arrived I wasn't sure.She looked like a pig,a pot-bellied pig.Why did we get a pig?No, it's a dog,a french bulldog,a Frenchie.Wow! She's got a face like a bat and a protruding tooth.She seems like a multiple,a multiple pet:a bat-faced,pot-bellied Frenchie.I'm definitely not sure about this.I'll need some time.We'll need timeBut the friendship is immediate,mutual actual,and natural-continuous.

And we will always be friends,always;friends that accept and support and love:always.I can see her smile,feel her presence.She's always here.I look around and see her,feel her,hear her.I turn and she's in the doorway,peeking,seeking...always.

She's gone but-No,No,No, she's not gone can see her too!
See you tomorrow.

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