Monday, July 2, 2012

Supreme Court-Affordable Care Act

It's pretty obvious(at least to me)that the American public is being duped and has been for a long time.If we limit this to an assessment of the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Health Care Act,it is really obvious.The Supreme Court money reps wanted the bill to remain,primarily for the insurance industry,but didn't want to give the executive branch any potential power in the commerce area ;so,they had to do it surreptitiously and found a way in the tax and spend area.

I really think that(even with the dissent opinions) all of the money justices were in accorrd with the Robert's method.The precedent was set in Massachusetts and also would make the democrats look devious in their passage of the law.It also could give them impetus for the future.I also  think that the decision was made in advance and in collusion.

After the citizen's united vote, it was apparent that this court was completely subservient to the money interests;was completely biased and unabashedly so.Even the money controlled media had to finally  acquiesce and reveal that bent.Consequently,the court had to temper the burgeoning attack on it's reputation.Conjecture is that Roberts bolted on his own.I don't believe that he did,but that he had to make it appear that way.

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