Monday, July 30, 2012

Tax cuts

All of the conversations about the Bush tax cuts baffle me.Isn't the primary concern about personal income taxes?If only the upper rates are allowed to expire(35% to39%),why is this made so complicated?Personal income taxes don't affect business,do they?Even sub S corps end up at personal.Why the concern over increased business taxes?From what I've read ,business taxes are not affected.The accounts mention estate taxes,capital gains,and dividends(all with little consequence).It appears to me that we are talking about personal income taxes on individuals making $250,000 or more?How does that affect business taxes or jobs?It doesn't,but why do even the proponents of expiration allow statements to that effect go unchallenged?Are they not sincere?

We get the same bullcrap with social security and medicare;Lies go unchallenged.Why?

What amazes me,is that tax decrease advocates say that we won't gain by allowing increases,but we'll lose a lot if we do.I don't think that it works that way!

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