Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It's past time to address organized religion.Religion has run it's course,at least in it's present form.Religions are created because we can't visualise the absence of life.We need to account for after death.It would be OK if religion adressed only that,but no,it must control life-and not propitiously.Organized religion espouses rationalization.It can do anything,no matter how irrational,in the name of whatever god  has been invoked.All is forgiven with repentance.

There is really little difference  between religions and cults,other than the leader being less identifiable in organized religion;less so in catholicism(pope).All of the leaders profess to be the instruments of an imaginary supreme being and use that status to influence their subjects through devious manipulation.They molest and extort and control...almost absolutely.

The leaders are the religions creators through their self-designated representation of an obscure deity.Why would anyone believe them?But,strangely,many do.How these self-iappointed representatives gain the credence that they do is baffling.They manage to acquire a power that is dangerous.They,consequently,are dangerous.Organized religion is dangerous.

Organized religion must be addressed.Most people know this.They simply ignore most of the the impractical tenets.But the politicians still use it to manipulate and distract for their own ends.Organized religion is one of the biggest impediments to logical progress
in our society and needs to be tempered.We need to work toward that end.

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