Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What is wrong with us?What is wrong with our society?.We need to start over,start at the beginning.Any individual,before he can do anything else,must have food,shelter,and adequate health care.Until he has those basics,his life will be consumed with that acquisition.That is the beginning!

When we talk about society,we often presume that these basics are a given and they should be.In our society,no one should have to be consumed with acquiring the basics.Sadly that's not the case.Too many are consumed with just that.

Our first concern should be resolving that problem.Everyone should have a chance.Everyone should have enough food for sustenance,somewhere to live comfortably,and adequate health care.It's unconscionable that individuals can have 60 billion+ of wealth when we have 30 to 50 million with almost nothing.It's unconscionable!.Why do we allow it ?Why do we allow Bill Gates to have 67 billion-billion! In wealth-and then laud him as charitable!How?While supposedly devoting his "life" to charity,he gained a billion dollars in wealth.That's really charitable!People,actual living people,are starving,have no place to live,no health care,and he has 67 billion and is considered charitablelHe's not.He's always cited as the classic example of the American dream!He's a classic example of America's failure.Why do we allow it!The classic examples of the American dream turn out to be classic examples of the American nightmare!Bill Gates could give 5 million people,$13000 dollars and still have 1 billion in wealth-what a sacrifice.

Give the masses a starting point.Expose these ideological entrepreneurs of the fixed free market system!The problem lies with the corporations and the rich and the ultra-rich and their control.Why do we allow them to take advantage of us, to increase their advantage.How can we be that stupid?How can we allow it to happen?How can we make the corporations give us health care and pensions and decent pay.It was that way before corporations.All of corporate profits(all!)now go to upper management.How can we,the people(sound familiar?)regain control of our lives?

The answer, of course,is in government.We,the people,must take control of the government.Corporations and the rich and ultra-rich that they have created ,are quickly obtaining complete contol of the government,rather governments at all levelsand we have allowed it.Part of the reason for their success is the intense anti-government propaganda that they disseminate-and it's good.They have most of the country believing that government is the problem;it is ,but not in the way that they say.The problem is that we don't have a government that represents the people.we have a government that represents the corporations and the rich.If we can't stop it we will have Big Brother and it will be because of our own doing!Don't believe the propaganda!Don't!Government can be our savior, if it is our government.If we don't take control now,it will take a revolution later and success may not be possible.We must demand campaign reform now,before it is too late.I hope it's not too late already!

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