Saturday, April 8, 2017

Syrian Attack

The Syrian missile attack was not a real surprise.How much of it was contrived is hard to determine.Trump was at the point where he thought that something had to be done.Detecting Russian collusion is creeping up.His team is close to being charged and is running out of plausible distractions.The chemical attack may or may not have been part of the plan.If it was,it makes it worse.If not,it was perfect timing.Collaboration is apparent and close to being indefensible.Something had to be done.A bigger diversion was needed.

The limited airport attack was suggested by many,a safe means of response to the perhaps coincidental chemical attack.Why the middle East is so enamored with nerve agent,I don't know.It is certainly a quick response means of attack;it gets attention quickly.

I believe that Trump and Russia are still in collaboration and the US attack is part of it.I think that this is the bigger diversion to try to obfuscate the suspicion of collusion and redefine relations with Russia.I sincerely hope that it doesn't work.

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