Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Trump Arrest

How many laws has Trump broken?Why has he not been indicted?Why hasn't he been arrested? incarcerated?Why hasn't someone stepped up as happened with the Muslim ban?There must be someone with enough courage to challenge him.He just keeps violating law after law with no repercussions.How can that be?

What about Trump's conflicts of interest?He has myriads of conflicts.What about the rest of his family?Speaking of family, what about nepotism?When will the talk stop and action begin?

Someone must take the first step.Action must be taken.Once he is addressed,challenged,it can be expanded and will definitely mushroom in all directions;but someone has to start.Once something official is done he will eventually be stopped.Why are Democrats so cowardly?Why is everyone so cowardly?Are we going to wait until it is too late? It certainly looks like it.But I certainly hope not!

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